
This exercise will have easier questions about the time, place, facts, and circumstances mentioned in the video. It will test your initial understanding on a SURFACE level.

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Was it easy for Domenico (Christine’s husband) to adjust to the new culture?



What adjustment problem does Christine consider universal (true for every new immigrant)?



Aside from the problem with the language, what acculturation aspect was the hardest for Domenico?



According to Christine, what do people do on Sunday nights in Italy?



According to Christine, what do most people do on Sunday nights in the U.S.?



Where do friends meet more regularly, in Italy or in the U.S.?



How does Domenico feel in the U.S.?



What shocked (surprised very much) Christine in Italy?



How is lunch different in Italy compared to that in the United States?



Why can’t people in the U.S. have longer lunches?


Stated in the video: answer b.

Great job! Correct answer.

Stated in the video: answer b.

She said that the language problem is a given which means it is an established fact, certainty.

Great job! Correct answer.

She said that the language problem is a given which means it is an established fact, certainty.

She said that the language problem is a given which means it is an established fact, certainty.

Great job! Correct answer.

This was not mentioned.

This was not mentioned.

b or c were not mentioned.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Great job! Correct answer.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Stated in the video: answer b.

Great job! Correct answer.

Stated in the video: answer b.

Great job! Correct answer.

Implied in the video: answer a.

Implied in the video: answer a.

That was not mentioned.

That was not mentioned.

Great job! Correct answer.

That was not mentioned.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Great job! Correct answer.

Stated in the video: answer c.

Both a and b were mentioned.

Both a and b were mentioned.

Great job! Correct answer.

Both a and b were mentioned.

Great job! Correct answer.

Implied in the video: answer a.

Implied in the video: answer a.

Implied in the video: answer a.


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