
This section will explain the difficult words, idioms,
usage, and grammar points involved in the video.

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1 - frantic - adjective: wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion

2 - pace - noun: a single step taken when walking or running

3 - too frantic a pace (here) - life is too fast, people are rushing to complete too many tasks in the time they have.

4 - face (issues) - verb: confront and deal with or accept (problems)

5 - ancestor - noun: a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended, like great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother, etc.

6 - heritage - noun: valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations

7 - congregate - verb: gather into a crowd or group

8 - lifestyle - noun: the way in which a person or group lives

10 - dynamic - adjective: characterized by constant change, activity, or progress

11 - spread out - phrasal verb: move apart from each other

12 - compromise - verb: here: resolve differences

13 - integrate - verb: here: become an active participant or member in the society

14 - say or let’s say - here: for example, usually separated by commas from the rest of the sentence

15 - in advance - ahead of time

16 - go-go-go - here: very busy or constantly on the move (going somewhere)

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